Because You’re a VIP

Hello All!!!!

I’m super excited today! I’m letting some very lucky people know that they have something extra special coming their way!

Last week I ran a campaign for Christmas. I let the world know that if they became a VIP member on my website, they would get a chance at winning a Gift Card! I mean this is the season of giving right? The holiday spirit is in the air and they say it’s better to give, than to receive.

But here’s the thing…I decided to give everyone that signed up a gift card!!!! What an epic twist right?!? I want people to know how much I truly appreciate their support. Without my fans I have NO music career. So I don’t want them to think, for one second, that they are overlooked. Because, quite frankly, my fans are the BEST!!

So there you have it. I’m rewarding all of my VIP signups from Christmas week with a gift card. That’s definitely A Better Music Experience (A.B.M.E.)

If you’re reading this and haven’t become a member at, I suggest you check it out now. Your reward could be coming next!

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